Acupuncture can be a very effective technique on its own but we can use it in combination with other techniques, such as manipulation, to get the best results. There is no additional charge for this and our standard fees apply per consultation.
We will discuss treatment options with you at you first consultation so you can decide what is right for you.
Medical acupuncture often called dry needling differs from traditional acupuncture in that it is done after a conventional medical diagnosis. This means that medical acupuncture is done to affect the muscles, joints and ligaments to decrease pain and inflammation and reduce muscle tone
Currently the practice of acupuncture is not regulated in the UK. By choosing to have acupuncture done by a professional such as an osteopath or G/P who is regulated you do get the peace of mind that they work to strict guidelines and standards that are designed to protect the public.
If you would like to make an appointment specifically for acupuncture, then you will need to make this clear when you call, so we can book you in with the appropriate person.
If you have any questions or queries about acupuncture as practised by us, please call the clinic on Cardiff 029 2070 1872